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Accidental Death & Dismemberment (AD&D) Benefit

The Accidental Death & Dismemberment benefit pays the amount shown if you suffer a Covered Loss resulting from a Coverd Accident. If you sustain more than one coverd losss as a reulst ofthesmae coverd accident, only the largetst available benefit will be paid. If the loss results in death, benefits will only be paid under the loss of life benefit provision.

Schedule of Benefits:

Principal Sum - Member, Spouse, Child(ren)  $5,000
Loss of Life  100%
Loss of Both Hands  100%
Loss of Both Feet  100%
Loss of the Entire Sight of Both Eyes  100%
Loss of One Hand and One Foot  100%
Loss of Speach and Hearing  100%
Loss of One Hand and One Foot and Entire Sight of One Eye  100%
Loss of One Hand or One Foot  50%
Loss of Entire Sight of One Eye  50%
Loss of Speech or Hearing  50%
Loss of Hearing in One Ear  25%

Accident Death and Dismemberment Benefits are providng as shown in the Schedule of Benefits and pays the member or beneficiary up to the benefit amount listed for the member's death or dismemberment due to a covered accident.

Percentage related to the Principal Sum benefit as shown above for the Primary, Spouse and Child(ren)

Join Now for access to this amazing benefit!