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    mon - fri : 8:30 AM - 4:30 PM CST

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Welcome to the AmeriBenefit Plan!

ABP is focused on enhancing key areas of our Member's lives - career, personal and general health - by removing the financial and knowledge hurdles that can sometimes stand in the way.


Providing the best benefit for you

Through your membership in the AmeriBenefit Plan , you will enjoy numerous Health, Travel, Business and Consumer-related discounts and services.

Featured Benefits

You can count on the AmeriBenefit Plan to seek out new discounts to add further value to your membership. As always, we invite and encourage your suggestions on ways the AmeriBenefit Plan can be increasingly beneficial to you.

Featured Videos

Learn about interesting topics such as Marketing, Retirement Planning and More...

Membership Options

We are providing the best options for our members with varity to meet your needs

Featured Articles

Read on to learn about achieving success...

Make Imposter Syndrome Your Friend

Tomer Hen is the Founder and CEO of Mobco Media. getty As entrepreneurs, no matter the experience under our belt or the achievements to our credit, at some point we've felt like an imposter, like we're out of our league. I've been there so many times.

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Keys To Achieving Success Through Networking

Part of Kathy Caprino's series “Leading Entrepreneurial Success Today” Active, targeted networking elevates and expands female entrepreneurs' success and access to funding. According to the latest data female entrepreneurship, more than 11.6 million firms are owned by women, employing nearly 10.1 million people and generating $1.8 trillion in sales (as of 2018).

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Scholarship Program!

Coming Soon, the ABP Board of Directors are currently finalizing details for a Scholarship Program exclusive to members and their families.

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While we believe you will be pleased with your overall association membership, we cannot, however, warrant
or guarantee the performance of any discount or service.